Thursday, May 1, 2014

Been a while!

I decided I would keep a journal of my experience recovering from a partial hysterectomy.  All in all my uterus served me well and I can't complain but mother time has wreaked havoc on the old plumbing and honestly I don't think I'll miss the monthly bill.  The only thing I have left is one ovary which will hopefully provide me with enough estrogen to keep any testicles from sprouting.  I have been accused of having balls before so any talk or mention of such will more than likely draw laughter from this ole mare.  

As for the surgery it went relatively smoothly.  I had the robotic Da Vinci procedure.  Do you believe my insurance WOULD NOT pay for the robotic aspect of the surgery?  By having the surgery robotically there is normally no need for a C Section incision and the recovery time is usually much quicker.  Instead of having a long scar I have four small scars that are 1 inch or smaller.  For some reason Aetna Insurance thinks a more invasive hysterectomy should be covered versus a less invasive, less painful recovery.   They told me there was no medical need for robotic surgery even though my recovery time and overall quality of care would be far greater.  I'm actually surprised they paid for my anesthesia, I mean really, wouldn't a hammer over the head been just as effective and far cheaper?  Today I am one week and 2 days post surgery and getting along well.  I must mention that I had two Grand Mal seizures the morning following the procedure.  The seizures were about 6 hours apart.  The Hospital ran an MRI which came back normal and an EEG which was abnormal but expected since I had just had the 2nd seizure.  The Hospital also ran blood work and the levels they checked were within normal ranges. 

 Although the staff never mentioned this, according to Google searches seizures brought on by anesthesia after surgeries are pretty common.  Has anyone else experienced this?  I have been placed on anti seizure medication and told I cannot drive until I've been seizure free for 6 months.  I understand the seriousness of this but trying to start work again full time and having three kids to get to three different schools each morning will be a challenge.  I will figure it out as I'm sure I'm not the first person to experience these kinds of setbacks.  We're Moms and we do what needs to be done one way or the other!  

Any insight or opinions would be greatly appreciated!

